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Girls 4 Greatness

Jun 16, 2021

This week on the Girls 4 Greatness podcast my guest and I take a look at how we can all live our lives with more acceptance and appreciation for where we are currently at in our life. 

Miranda Mitchell joins me this week. She is a Human Design specialist, mindset coach, and speaker. Miranda has figured out that by combining Human Design, yoga, and breath work that she could develop multiple practical tools to clear abundance blocks, increase self-confidence, and create reconnection with our creativity. Miranda empowers others to step into their highest potential through understanding their energetic blueprint and by living with greater ease and authenticity.

Miranda not only shares more about what Human Design is and how it can be of benefit to everyone, but she also shares her own beautiful story of all she has had to overcome in her own life to get to where she is today. 

This episode will leave you inspired to have a greater appreciation for where you are in your own life, as well as an appreciation for your own beautiful authenticity.

Please be sure to find and connect with Miranda on Instagram and Facebook at @mirandajmitchell. You can also connect with her on LinkedIn at Be sure to check out her website as well by heading to