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Girls 4 Greatness

Mar 27, 2019

This week on the Girls 4 Greatness podcast I have the honor of talking with Anna Lundberg. Anna hails all the way from the UK and is the founder of One Step Outside, a business all about helping people build their own businesses and create a lifestyle that allows them an unimagined sense of freedom, flexibility, and fulfillment.  

I invite you to listen in as Anna shares what it took for her to leave her own highly successful corporate career in order to do what she was truly passionate about. We talk about how Anna transitioned into her coaching career and about how she is constantly reimagining success in her own life and inspiring others to do the same.

Not only does Anna have a thriving business but she is also the host of her own podcast, Reimagining Success and she is the author of Leaving the Corporate 9 to 5.  A book that highlights the stories of people who have done just that.

To learn more about Anna and her business be sure to check out her website, You can also listen in to her podcast by going to and you can find her book at Be sure to also connect with Anna on Facebook at or on Instagram under @annaselundberg. You can find Anna on Linkedin under annaselundberg and on Twitter at