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Girls 4 Greatness

Apr 21, 2021

This week on the Girls 4 Greatness podcast I am sharing another guest appearance I recently had on another podcast, the Mothers Of Misfits Podcast with Emily Melious. 

I don’t do this often, but when I feel that the topic discussed is as relevant as this one is, I am a huge fan of repurposing the content. Emily has taken it upon herself to create a podcast in which she leads weekly conversations about how to advocate for your child in a one-size-fits all world, and she has invited me to talk about how to overcome the confidence crisis in teenage girls. 

Emily and I also discuss how to better relate to our children through the use of media, the importance of making our children feel seen and heard, as well as how we can best improve our kids self-esteem.

Emily and I also chat about my 5 Daily Habits To Ignite Your Inner Greatness, a download that I launched about a year and a half ago. Emily asks me to walk her listeners through the 5 habits, but we also discuss how they can apply to our children as well. 

Please be sure to find out more info on Emily, as well as all the info on how to listen to and subscribe to her podcast by heading to You can also find the Mothers of Misfits podcast on all the podcasting platforms you are likely listening in from. And, if you are wanting to check out my 5 Daily Habits To Ignite Your Inner Greatness then please head to